Grants4Apps Accelerator 2017

The Grants4Apps Accelerator is a mentoring program for digital health startups taking place in Berlin.
- Mentoring & Coaching by Bayer Executives and entrepreneurs
- Financial Support
- Networking and Access to Bayer Experts
Cornell University

- Center for Material Sciences
- Jumpstart Program: 2013
- Center for Excellence: 2012
- Jumpstart Program : 2010
Brigham and Women's Hospital

- Sponsored Research study 2008. Oratel diagnostics has supported Brigham and Women's Hospital to establish a depository for saliva samples. This depository can be useful to identify factors in saliva that are different in women with endometriosis.
- In 2008 oratel diagnostics sponsored a proof of concept study on 87 women in an IRB approved study to evaluate differences in saliva in women with and without endometriosis. Preliminary data indicated that certain flavonoid pigments may be useful as markers to identify which women have endometriosis.
- We continue to partner with the team at Brigham and Women's hospital to conduct additional clinical studies using improved prototypes we are developing.
Boston Center for Endometriosis

Oratel diagnostics will conduct further clinical trials in co-operation with Dr. Stacey Missmer at the Boston Center for Endometriosis to evaluate our most recent product prototype.
The Endometriosis Association

Located in Milwaukee Wisconsin, the Endometriosis Association has supported oratel diagnostics in research activities. Most recently, funds from the Endometriosis Association have supported Oratel Diagnostics' efforts to identify which proteins and mucins are different in women with and without endometriosis.